On The Day You Were Born

‎6 years ago thanks to God’s blessing, Tyrone’s love and an amazing team of doctors and nurses, my son was born!   As he and I say to each other at night: “I love you to infinity and beyond, and then some…and then a lotta some!!!”  And nothing could be further from the truth, that is just how much I love him!!

Today has been a day filled with fun, excitement, energy, emotions and of course reflections.  My parents made my brother and I feel so special on our birthdays that we could have easily believed our birthdays were international holidays; and that is no different than how I want my son to feel on his special day.  Of course children love gifts, honestly adults love them too.  But when I think back about my birthdays, I can’t remember every gift I was given, but I can remember my mother coming to school and setting up  class parties for my special day, or my dad leading the ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ story for one of my parties, or the only surprise party I’ve had in my life when I turned 13.  I remember my parents making me wait a little while in the car before getting out for school, because they called the radio station to give me a birthday shout out.  Things like that are what I remember and that is what I want for my son as well.  I want him to remember the love of family and friends that surrounded him for his special days, birthdays as well as other major individual accomplishments.

As today passed, there were moments when I remembered what was going on at that time 6 years ago.  Some of those were moments of indescribable excitement and some were of the worst fears a mother waiting to give birth could hear.  I remember the first time I laid eyes on his face, the brutally agonizing length of time before I could see him after recovery, the first time I touched him, which was simultaneous with the first time I cried after he was born.  I remember the first time I held him, my first time trying to feed, and I could go on and on. 

Well I flash forward today to the wonderfully intelligent, well mannered, hilarious, kind, outgoing, sports loving, boy that he is today and I can’t help but to become overwhelmed with emotions.  His smile melts my heart, his laughter is music to my ears and his hugs and kisses fill my soul with an undescribable warmth.  Simply put I LOVE THAT BOY!!!!

Shortly after he was born, I found a book that I knew I had to buy based on the title alone, ‘On The Day You Were Born’.  I’ve read that book to him a few times in between the obvious days, his birthday and Mother’s Day.  Words can’t accurately depict the emotions that I felt and would imagine other parents feel on that special day, but this book comes pretty damn close.  Tonight I read the book to him, he finished it by reading the last page (which of course made me burst into full tears) and then we followed that with our night time lullaby and expressions of love. 

Below are the last three pages of the book, On The Day You Were Born (with some relative edits to make it fit the day he was born),  followed by the expression of love we share to each other:

“On the day you were born

the Earth turned, the Moon pulled,

the Sun flared, and, then with a pull (push),

you were pulled out of the dark quiet

where suddenly you could hear….

a circle of people saying

with voices familiar and clear.

“Welcome to the spinning world,” the people sang, as they washed your new, tiny hands.

“Welcome to the green Earth,” the people sang, as they wrapped your wet, slippery body.

And as they held you close they whispered into your open, curving ear,

“We are so glad you’ve come!”

My son, because of you, I continue to be amazed, inspired, uplifted, motivated and thankful for all of the things that you’ve brought into your parent’s lives.  You are the blessing that we wanted but never could have imagined that it would have been as great as the one we received.

I am honored to have the title Mommy and don’t take for granted any of the rights, priviledges and most importantly responsibilities that come along with such an esteemed role.  My hope is that the tsunami of love my parents have and continue to give to me, I can at least give to you, if not enough for a flood so that you will feel washed in love for my time on this Earth. 


As our lullaby and words of expression go,

You are my son-shine, my only son-shine so please don’t take Mommy’s son-shine away.

“I love you to infinity and beyond, and then some…..and then a lotta some.” ~Mommy and Son